
Update CI data / database container image for data or database schema changes.

One of the projects I work on uses GitLab . We host our codes on GitLab, review codes and commits, and use GitLab CI to do all the CI auto-testing jobs before we merge branches.

Normally mock data for TDD Unit Test shouldn't be a difficult job, but once we need to do something more complicated, like searching relations in a graph database, or doing some Integration Test, it became a mess, no matter we put them in test codes or put them in separated files and load when needed:

  • updating hundreds of records in a thousands-rows mock dataset .
  • container stats and changes will not be kept across stages and jobs, so in every jobs and stages we need to load them again and again.
  • it takes time and resources to load data into database, and we don't want to wait them long.
  • wasting resources might cause global warming.
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